Wednesday, April 27, 2005

expensive ciggarettes

I know that this is a little behind the times but I've been thinking about this company in Michigan that has fired its smoking employees. Apperently they are bassing this decision on the fact that smoker health costs are prohibitive and driving up the cost of insurance. I have worked for two diffrent companys. one was a medium size and the other was quite small. In both instances I have witnessed the diffrent ailments that sent our employees and their families to seek mecical treatment. As far as I can tell the greatest cause of their ailments are either old age or extreem young age. Yes, young age. the children of the insured seem to need constant medical attention for such things as vacinations and colds and flu. not to mention broken bones and assorted bumps and bruises. then there is the old age factor. which seems to put a much larger drain on these insurance funds. in my last job the boss had both knees replaced and his wife had more back surgeries than I could keep track of. Do I think that people with kids and old folks should loose their jobs? No. of course I dont. As a matter of fact I belive there are laws to that regard. Its called descrimination. There is no law against smoking and just from what I've seen in my limited experience the smokers (who are not breaking the law) are not costing anymore or less than the old and the young.

By the way, have you seen the owner of the michigan company? He looks pretty old to me. I wonder what his medical bills are each year?

Monday, April 18, 2005

another day, another..... well I guess not LOL

well here we go with week #2. I have already been out in the yard this morning and Its time for my first break. I cant belive that someone who has had such a physical job for so many years
coule be so out of shape. I even have a blister on my finger. maybe its time for my mid morning nap :-)

Friday, April 15, 2005

free at last :-)

Well, as most of you know I am now unemployed :-) Not to worry though... This is a good thing. I have been struggling with this decisoin to leave my job for the last five years. and yes that is how long I have been employed at this company. Although this company looked great on paper, the reality is that they were less than perfect so I decided it was time to move on. I have been taking a little time to enjoy the little things and get some things done around the house. the kids are still keeping me busy with their activities so its not like I'm just sleeping all day but I wont lie. I have been known to come home from taking them to school and closing my eyes for just a little bit :-) I am now truly and I think I like it. but I know that duty calls and I must return to the working world, just not too soon :-)